Case Study

Local Business

Improved employee relations, and increased productivity.

The Project

Improve Productivity and Employee Relations

The owner of a local business asked if the training could be provided to his employees. Although his operation was small and the consulting time was shorter than other projects, the results were impressive. 

The owner commented that one employee said she strongly did not wish to attend the training. (Her exact words were that he would have to “drag her to the training and nail her to the chair.”) The owner was able to convince her to go to the first training. She never missed one of the subsequent training sessions and was very supportive of the effort immediately after the first training.


  • Productivity increased 15-20%.
  • Turnover decreased.
  • Co-worker relations significantly improved (e.g., people who had not talked for a very long time began to talk with each other).
  • Attitudes were enhanced.

Start The Conversation

Lee Elliott | Business Consultant

Sioux City, Iowa